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Company Ratings

Based on its financial strength, EquiTrust has been awarded high marks by leading sources of insurer ratings.

EquiTrust Life Insurance Company Rating

A.M. Best Company1

B++ (Good)


A- (Strong)

Standard & Poor's3

A- (Strong)

The ratings reflect current independent opinions of the Company's financial capacity to meet the obligations of its contracts. They are based on quantitative and qualitative evaluations of EquiTrust and its management strategy.

  1. A.M. Best "B++" (Good) rating as of August 18, 2012. A.M. Best has 13 active-company insurance company ratings and reflect the current and independent opinion of a company's ability to meet its obligations to policyholders, and are derived by evaluating a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile. A "B++" rating is the fifth highest of the active-company ratings. The A.M. Best rating scale is A++ (Superior), A+ (Superior), A (Excellent), A- (Excellent), B++ (Good), B+ (Good), B (Fair), B- (Fair), C++ (Marginal), C+ (Marginal), C (Weak), C- (Weak) and D (Poor). A.M. Best's ratings are not a warranty of an insurer's current or future ability to meet obligations to policyholders, nor are they a recommendation of a specific policy, contract, rate or claim practice.
  2. All Fitch Ratings (Fitch) credit ratings are subject to certain limitations and disclaimers. Please read these limitations and disclaimers by following this link: In addition, the following details Fitch's rating definitions for each rating scale and rating categories, including definitions relating to default.
  3. Standard & Poor's Rating Services "A-" (Strong) rating as of July 2024. Standard & Poor's has eight financial strength ratings assigned to solvent insurance companies: AAA (Extremely Strong), AA (Very Strong), A (Strong), BBB (Good), BB (Marginal), B (Weak), CCC (Very Weak), CC (Extremely Weak). Plus (+) or minus (-) modifiers show the relative standing within the categories from AA to CCC.

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