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Iowa Index CE Requirement Applies to Both Annuities and Life Insurance 

Since 2008, the state of Iowa has required index CE training.  The rule applies to both annuities and life insurance products which feature index-linked crediting strategies.

The Iowa index CE requirement must be fulfilled before writing an application by completing a course that has been filed with and approved by the state of Iowa. The CE course is 4 hours in length and a producers may use the credits to meet continuing education requirements. 

A list of approved courses is available at Please contact the providers for information on dates, times, and any associated fees.

Once the course is completed the producer will receive a certificate of completion. A copy of the certificate must be submitted to our Home Office – either by fax or email – to verify that the Iowa index CE requirement has been met. Include your EquiTrust Agent ID number. 

·         Fax: 515-226-5102
·         Email: [email protected]

Any index-product application submitted by Iowa resident and non-resident agents will require proof that the Iowa index CE requirement has been fulfilled prior to the application being written. If training has not been completed, the case will be rejected.

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