Financials/Why EquiTrust
Letter of Financial Condition.pdf Ward's 50 Recognition Flyer.pdf
Strength of Asset Portfolio
- A.M. Best "B++" (Good) rating as of August 18, 2012. A.M. Best has 13 active-company insurance company ratings and reflect the current and independent opinion of a company's ability to meet its obligations to policyholders, and are derived by evaluating a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile. A "B++" rating is the fifth highest of the active-company ratings. The A.M. Best rating scale is A++ (Superior), A+ (Superior), A (Excellent), A- (Excellent), B++ (Good), B+ (Good), B (Fair), B- (Fair), C++ (Marginal), C+ (Marginal), C (Weak), C- (Weak) and D (Poor). A.M. Best's ratings are not a warranty of an insurer's current or future ability to meet obligations to policyholders, nor are they a recommendation of a specific policy, contract, rate or claim practice.
- Fitch "A-" (Strong) rating as of March 6, 2024. All Fitch Ratings (Fitch) credit ratings are subject to certain limitations and disclaimers. Please read these limitations and disclaimers by following this link: In addition, the following details Fitch's rating definitions for each rating scale and rating categories, including definitions relating to default.
- Standard & Poor's Rating Services "A-" (Strong) rating as of July 2024. Standard & Poor's has eight financial strength ratings assigned to solvent insurance companies: AAA (Extremely Strong), AA (Very Strong), A (Strong), BBB (Good), BB (Marginal), B (Weak), CCC (Very Weak), CC (Extremely Weak). Plus (+) or minus (-) modifiers show the relative standing within the categories from AA to CCC.